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chosen by A. M. Howell, author of The House of One Hundred Clocks

The Reader Teacher Review

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Top Three

Children's Books About...


The Reader Teacher Review

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Top Three Poster & Recommendations

Top Three Children's Book About Clocks b
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1. Moondial

by Helen Cresswell

A well-loved children’s timeslip story that was made into a popular BBC TV series in the 1980s. Moondials work like sundials but can only tell the time accurately once a month when there is a full moon. The moondial in this book takes Minty back in time where she meets two children in need of her help and ghostly adventures follow. The beautiful dreamlike prose in this magical story makes it a pleasure to read.  


You can also order from your independent bookshop or reserve from your local library.

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2. Northern Lights

by Philip Pullman

The clock in this book isn’t a traditional one that can tell the time, but it can tell the truth. It is of course Lyra’s alethiometer, a compass-like instrument used to communicate with Dust and find truthful answers to a person’s questions. This is a stunning fantasy, packed full of adventure and intrigue which I read for the first-time last year – and it definitely won’t be the last.




You can also order from your independent bookshop or reserve from your local library.

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3. Tom's Midnight Garden

by Philippa Pearce

This book was a firm childhood favourite and one I have recently reread. When the clock in Tom’s grandparents’ house strikes thirteen, he discovers their tiny backyard is now a moonlit garden. His friendship with Hatty, the girl he meets there, is heartwarming and I challenge anyone to read the end without a tear in their eye.


You can also order from your independent bookshop or reserve from your local library.

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